Foster Arjerm

It's not the glittering weapon that wins the fight, but rather the hero's heart.

Foster Arjerm

It's not the glittering weapon that wins the fight, but rather the hero's heart.

Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 6'10.2" Fulms
Weight: 209 Ponz
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Faith: Halone
Foster is deceptively tone. He appears thin and lean but under his armor he quite fit.
Foster is a insightful person who prefers rule in the spirit of the law rather then the letter and frequently finds himself happy to lend an ear to the upset of others. His deep voice, full of gravel, often betrays his kind intent but that wont stop him from offering sage advise to anyone in need of it or anyone willing to listen.
A man who holds himself with a calm demeanor and to a strict code of chivalry. Though possessing a robust selection of marital prowess and skills of faith, this Calvary Knight-Commander keeps to his roots as a ranger to protect those he can with the faint flare of a Gunbreaker.

Foster Arjerm

It's not the glittering weapon that wins the fight, but rather the hero's heart.

HistoryFoster was born to Meara Arjerm, a Spear Maiden of Halone and an unknown father. The Arjerm Family before Meara had been dedicated chocobo ranchers that were seen as prominent for a number of reasons, most notably their stack of war birds which were trained in service to Ishgard since the Holy See's earliest seasons.Foster's mother died when the abbey his mother founded was destroyed in Niddhogg's attack on Ferndale; it's believed this incident also killed his father but not body was recovered. Foster, now orphaned, was left in the care of his grandparents whom sent him to be a stable hand for House Dzemael up to his late childhood when he would eventually be squired.

Foster Arjerm

It's not the glittering weapon that wins the fight, but rather the hero's heart.

History cont.Foster had begun his knightly career training as a house knight of Dzemael before earning his place among the temple knights with an act of bravery; saving a nobleman and his young daughter. Quick to earn his spurs as a young adult Foster served in a cavalry chapter of outriders and rangers for many cycles.Outstanding service and unquestionable loyalty to the Holy See saw Foster selected to train for the Heavensward, though ultimately not chosen by the Archimadriate to ascend, Foster returned to his station as a cavalier until the Dragonsong war ended.After the war Foster was sent south to recruit for the ishgardian restoration effort where he made many contacts and allies. He remained outside of Ishgard until the battle of Ghmlyt dark, where Foster served under the Ishgardian banner during its efforts against the empire. After the conflict Foster returned to Ishgard to resume his service and began efforts to settle into a post war Ishgrdian life.

Foster Arjerm

It's not the glittering weapon that wins the fight, but rather the hero's heart.

History Cont...
Foster struggled with his time back in Ishgard after the war and all the changes it had endured. He was however recognized for his efforts and was granted the status of Abbot to care for his mothers Abbey. He was also chosen as head of a project for the House of Lords and Commons to start a free company under the Ishgardian banner to help secure, guard and grow Ishgardian interests locally, and outside its borders.
Thus the Fury's Gaze was born; a chance for Ishgardian's and outsiders alike to work towards a common goal for the betterment of Ishgard. Using his connections earned during Ghimlyt, Foster was able to bolster the company's roster quickly. Yet for all his achievements, Foster was left with a hollow joy, one that resonated within him so keenly that it became a noticeable aspect by his superior officers even if he never spoke of the matter openly.Not to be played the fool his Commander had sought the aid of a professional companion to entertain Foster's company and provide therapeutic company. A vieran courtesan of some renown, the woman's lofty airs and towering presence gave the knight much pause. With her, he was more than just his medals and scars, he was a person with wants and feelings that mattered, and the man found himself enamored, unwaveringly. This woman would later become his wife and the mother of his two children.Foster's life, while mostly the same, has improved for the better, freed of his trauma and maladies he's been given the rank of Knight-Commander and even stationed with a Barony under House Dzemael. He attributes much of this success to the personal betterments instilled within him by his wife, but wouldn't besmirch the efforts of close friends and family either. Though for all his titles if you were to ask the man directly, he's still just a frostbitten chocobo rancher from Coerthas.